CORALL spectrogram in specified pitch angle interval

Object "CRLPITCH" plots color coded E-T spectrogram of ion flux measured by CORALL instrument inside specified pitch angle range.
    crlpitch standard arguments start_angle,end_angle,magnetometer_number,window

Here start_angle is low pitch-angle limit, end_angle is upper limit of pitch-angles to plot, magnetometer_number is the index of magnetometer (0 - FM3 and 1 - MIF), and window is the time interval in sec to average spectrogram. If you would like to get text file with processed data you have to put ",/text" keyword at the end of request. The format of output file is as follows:
  Time   Energy, eV     Counts/sec
For more effective usage of object use file "crlcomn.res" in your current directory. The contents of this file is as follows:
  1000         # Nothing for this object
  1            # Nothing for this object
  3000         # Nothing for this object
  1            # low threshold 1/sec (corresponds to blue color)
  1000         # upper threshold 1/sec (corresponds to red color)
Counts less than low threshold are not drawn, and counts greater than upper threshold are shown by red color.
   crlpitch 0.1 0.2 0.85 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,90,1,3.0
   crlpitch 0.1 0.4 0.85 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 90,180,1,3.0
