Distribution function is calculated from the full spin CORALL data set using grid with dimensions, defined in resource files. Grid is transferred from polar coordinates into Cartesian frame defined in resources files. While the distribution function is projected onto the plane, there is actual averaging of values along projection line. The projection plane, color scale of plotting and other features of the CRLSLICE object are controlled by resource file 'crlslicom.res'.. CRLSLICE cuts the slice bounded by planes parallel YZ plane of reference frame. Then remained distribution function projected onto YZ plane. Value at each YZ point is the integral of distribution function along X axis divided by volume of accumulation.So the value is the averaged value of distribution function at YZ inside slice.
To define reference frame one should put into crlslicom.res file components of spacecraft axis in the new frame of reference EXACTLY at the time of sunpulse. The time of sunpulse for this spacecraft spin is printed at the top of object plot.
To get spacecraft axis in the frame {Vconvective,B} you can use program GetVBKP. See the detail description in section "Other executables in DD system".


CRLSLICE 0.2 0.350 0.764 0.8 -1000.0 1000.0 -1000.0 1000.0
0.900 0.371 -0.201 0.026 0.425 0.904 0.421 -0.825 0.376 # Plane
-300. 300.                         # V limits km/sec
117.8                              # spen period, sec
1.e-31 1.e-23                      # Distribution Function Limits
30                                 # Grid size
0                                  # 0 --- to show blended pixels
                                   # 1 --- not to show                        
It is difficult to combine this type of object with any object plotting data versus time because one could not set in TimeInterval field the value larger than 110 sec. If the TimeInterval is more than 2 minutes, DD_Request will overlap