;==================================================================== ; ; EXCORINFO.PRO ; Example of interface level 2 to CORALL instrument information ; ; A.Fedorov, Oct., 29, 1998 ;==================================================================== ; ; The instrument has 9 modes. Each system infiormation unit is ; the array of size 9 of last dimension. ; The instrument has a 32 energy steps. Since some constants ; has size 32 of first dimension. TimeShift = dblarr(32,9) ; Array of shifts from the T0 - start of spectra ; accumulation. First dimension - Number of steps. Energy = dblarr(32,9) ; Array of Steps Energies for different modes. AzimuthNumber = intarr(9) ; Number of Azimuthal sectors for different ; Modes. EnergiesNumber = intarr(9); Number of Energy Steps for different Modes. ID = long(-1) ; The ID of DataBase. Set -1 to open DataBase. DDLIB = getenv('DDLIB') ; Get environment variable to find right path ; to procedure ; The intreface call returns negative value in case of error ERROR = call_external(DDLIB+'idl_corall.so','GetCORALLInform',$ ID, $ Energy, $ TimeShift, $ AzimuthNumber, $ EnergiesNumber ) ; Close DataBase ERROR = call_external(DDLIB+'DD_idl.so','CloseID',ID) ; Print received information print,'Azimuthal Number = ', AzimuthNumber print,'Energies Number = ', EnergiesNumber end ;===============================================================================